If you are passionate about keeping self tan on you, then we invite you to join the Tan Fan Fam and earn some lovely cash
It’s simple - share the love for our products and we will share the love with you
At Tan Fan, we solve the problem of keeping self tan stains off sheets and keeping bedding pristine.
With our global patents protecting our brand and products, we have been shared, loved and viewed more than 24M+ times by our Self Tan Princesses
If you feel the same way and know that your audience would love to hear how to have pristine sheets AND a pristine tan - then sign up today and start talking about us
SIGN UP HERE to be our Partner and start earning $$$
Silky, lightweight, cooling, anti-absorbent - our patented Self Tan Sleep Sac, developed over years, is the best solution for having glowing bronzed skin without the hassle of ruining your sheets.